Hello, I'm a French Dev.


I am fascinated since many years by the Web development in general as well as the development of mobile apps. Also I’m 31 years old and I’ve the driving license. Nowadays, the media are inevitable, that's why the computing jobs fascinate me so much. I believe the World Wide Web is the greatest thing the human race has ever developed, and I'm proud to contribute towards its ongoing development by building quality Web sites and promoting accessibility and usability.


Coding, Web development
HTML5, PHP, CSS3, Javascript (OSX, Windows, Linux)

Mobile Apps Development
Development of iOS applications for iPhone. (Swift/Objective C)
Development of Android applications. (Java)

CMS and Frameworks
Joomla, Wordpress, Prestashop …

Server Management
Experience installing, configuring and running a Linux (Debian and Ubuntu) Web server environment for hosting Web sites.

I’ve experience in computing, web design, web development, server maintenance, programming because I already intervened on professional websites and I have already created websites entirely.


2014 - 2017 : Master of Science (IT) - Work-study program
Supinfo Montpellier - FR 34000
Main subjects : Enterprise technologies (Java EE, datacenter solution), multi-platform mobile development, management and project management (ITIL).

2012 - 2014 : Institute Of Technology of Béziers – University Degree in Services and Networks of Communication (DUT Service et Réseaux de Communication).
University Montpellier 2 - FR 34500
Main subjects : Communication, multimedia creations, network management, web development, web design.

2012 - 2010 : Baccalaureate (equivalente of A-Levels) in Sciences and Industrial Technologies, option Electrotechnics, with Honours.
Alès - FR 30100
Main subjects : Electrotechnics, industrial electric maintenance, physics, mechanics mathematics.


Twitter Julien PIERRE-LOUIS LinkedIn Julien PIERRE-LOUIS